
Holistic Nutrition is eating healthy, wholesome foods with natural nutrients that are live, natural, and of good quality and include unrefined, unprocessed, locally grown, and whole organic foods. Eating healthy helps heal the body, achieves and maintains optimum health, builds the immune system, increases energy levels, enriches the mind, cleanses the soul, and progresses to a healthy lifestyle.

It is an era of natural Nutrition that is fast emerging, for it looks at the different characteristics of food and its sources.

Live – They contain live enzymes, as in fruits, vegetables, and sprouts.

Natural – They are unprocessed, unrefined foods example, whole grains, and legumes.

Good quality – they are grown in soil rich in essential nutrients.

Natural or whole foods vary according to the area in which they are grown. When we respect and take care of Mother Earth and its resources, it can provide the best possible diet to all the people in the world. The Natural food diet is rich in color, natural flavor, and aroma; hence eating wholesome, chemical-free, balanced foods from the local environment encourages and promotes good levels of nutrients to function in optimum health.

The food we consume directly provides the fuel that our bodies require as they contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, water, amino acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as these provide the essentials to our bodies. It helps to sustain life and to carry out our daily body functions.

The path to wellness is to get the proper nutrients, exercise, and a balanced diet, so the aging process is reduced, and we improve ourselves to a healthy, pain-free, and longer life. These nutrients are involved in all our body processes as they help in our thinking, repair tissues, and strengthen our immune functions, thereby fighting infections. A deficiency in these nutrients will cause our body to not function at its optimum level and eventually break down. Hence the components of a healthy diet are:

  • Natural foods

  • Seasonal foods

  • Fresh foods

  • Nutritious foods that have the maximum nutrient content needing for growth, maintenance, and repair

  • Clean foods – free of toxins, pollutants, additives and potential microorganisms

  • Tasty and appealing foods – color foods, flavor

  • Food combining

  • Moderation – appropriate amount for the body type for the right energy level

  • Balance of macronutrients and micronutrients

  • Proper fruits and vegetables

  • Proper balance of micronutrients

  • Food groups

  • Flavours and colours- sweet, salt, sour, bitter, and spicy

  • Acid – Alkaline -acid forming and alkalizing foods

  • Variety and rotation

Health Benefits of Holistic Nutrition

The Health Benefits of a Diet-Based Holistic Nutrition

  • Increased Energy levels

  • Emotional well-being is improved

  • Skin is improved

  • Stronger immune system

  • Balance of blood sugar levels

  • Lowered Cholesterol and blood pressure to a healthy level

  • Digestion is improved and relieved of constipation

  • Better sleep

  • Prevention of disease

  • Management of weight and weight loss

As a holistic nutritionist, I consider the person a whole individual, including the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and lifestyle. Reviewing the client’s history, main health concerns, and eating habits will assist me with my client’s nutritional needs. I aim to help my client with the best possible foods, to personalize their diet, and develop meal plans. To encourage them on healthy eating habits recommending beneficial foods and the ones to avoid for better health by assisting in healing by preparing the body to get well. To eliminate allergens, build on enzyme therapy, and fortify the immune system. To provide professional care for a healing technique and dietary follow-up, think wellness and whole, to live a healthy lifestyle and in optimum health.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease”
——Thomas Edison, 1903

“I found a fruitful world, because my ancestors planted it for me, likewise I am planting for my children”
—– Talmud, Ta’anit 23a