Oligo Therapy

French Chemist and Biologist Gabriel Bertrand discovered trace minerals (mineral salt) are naturally present in the body and represent less than 1 gram. They play an essential role biologically in the control of cellular metabolism.

There are 11 trace elements. They are Cu, Au, Ag, I, Li, Mg, Mn, Co, Se, S, and Zn. These trace elements make up 99.9% of the Earth’s mass. The macromolecules H, O, C and N make up 95% of our body’s mass, and the trace elements make up 0.1% of the body. Fe, Zn, and Cu are present the most in our body and are essential and make up 99% of the 0.1% of the trace elements of our body.

Dr. Mertz, in 1981 proved that if the body lacks a trace element, there will be a problem with its function in the body. These trace minerals are used minutely in intra-cellular dilution and released in their ionized form for utilization. They function as enzymatic cofactors, Hormone modulators, and a component for structure.

Enzymes are the biological catalyst required for chemical reactions in the system forming out of protein molecules. Trace minerals become the cofactors to normalize enzymatic functions. Trace minerals are necessary to produce hormones and minerals in the body. For example, Iodine is essential for producing T3 and T4; Cobalt requires vitamin B12, and Iron is necessary for the composition of hemoglobin. As for the structural components, fluoride supports the growth of teeth and bones.

Oligo-elements are trace minerals in a highly bioavailable form, administered in small doses and at low concentrations, for they provide ions for the body. They are integrative with other modalities. For more information on Oligo Therapy and its use in holistic health, don’t hesitate to contact the Total Healing Homeopathy Clinic at 416-562-9149 or click here to email.